Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day: Martha, Mary and Lazarus

Today our Breathe readings take us to John 11:1-44.  Now I was reading this this morning and there are piles and piles of stuff here.  Loads and loads of it!

I think today though I was really struck by the friendship that Jesus had with Martha, Mary and Lazarus.  This trio of brother and two sisters were some of Jesus's closest friends, he would often stay at their house or pop in for a cup of tea.  

I don't know whether it is because it is Valentine's Day today, (I hate Valentine's day I have to say... probably because there is all this horrible Valentines tat in the shops and all the coupled up people gloat about what their partners have done for them... vomit vomit and all the single people feel woefully inadequate) but I have been thinking about the total overemphasis of couple-dom in our society and how this is our ultimate "goal" and anything else seems substandard in some way.

But the lovely Mary Martha and Lazarus show a really healthy alternative... a family who love each other (even though they have their "moments") and and because of that love are able to offer sanctuary and a home to Jesus. Jesus is always welcome there.

Jesus really thought a lot of these guys, and you can tell that by how he wept at Lazarus' grave and how he was willing to risk his life and travel in spite of danger to go back to his friends and be with them at their time of need.

As I look to leaving Leicester in the summer for the next stage in my life, this is very very exciting but also scary - I don't now where I will end up or what will happen. But someone a couple of years ago gave me this word, that he felt God saying that wherever I would end up, He would put "family" around me. I am clinging onto that at the moment!

We all need "family", sanctuary, hospitality and those intimate relationships.  There will be times when we will really need to receive that, there will be times when we can offer that to someone else...  What situation do you find yourself in today?

Here is a really cute video which illustrates the story of Lazarus! Love it!

Happy V day one and all! Enjoy your Valentine tat if you get any!


1 comment:

Hazel said...

I agree that Valentine's Day is a lot of nonsense - just an opportunity for some people to make more money. One tradition says that St Valentine was actually a Roman priest who was martyred about AD 270 for sharing the gospel - nothing to do with romantic love at all!