Hi all,
Ah it is so lovely to have another sheet of Breathe readings to go through... last week I didn't know what to do with myself!
Has anyone else had this thing where they read the bible and then one little thing about the passage strikes them and then they go off on a tangent and forget the rest of the bible passage?
That happened to me today. I was reading about Jesus' baptism this morning and I was just kind of thinking, Jesus was great wasn't he? The way he humbled himself by asking to be baptised by John, and it reminded me also of when Jesus washed his disciples' feet - there is a cool bit that says something about Jesus knowing where he came from and where he was going. He knew he was the son of God. Loved by the father. It was this that enabled him to humble himself.
And it made me think, how much do I really believe that I am loved by my heavenly Father? I mean, REALLY? Because I have realised most of my life is quite fearful really. I fear making a mistake at work, and the consequences of that. I am afraid of upsetting people. This year probably signifies a big year in my life and there will probably be big changes. I am fearful of not having enough money, I am fearful of not finding a life partner. I am fearful of letting go, relinquishing control over my life.
And it struck me that even though Jesus knew his destiny was the cross, he lived a life without fear. Because he knew where he came from and where he was going. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was loved by his Father. I have been challenged today to enter further into this Divine Love. Because the more love there is, the less fear there is. I have been challenged today that God is more capable of looking after me than I am capable of looking after myself. And I also thought.... how many people are too afraid to pursue their true calling? And also, how much sin in the world is committed where the root is fear? Fear motivates us to to many bad things, and it also stops us from doing good godly amazing things.
Just a wee gentle challenge to anyone who might stumble on this blog post: what are you fearful of and what are the consequences? Join me in learning how to enter further into Divine Love.
Oh yes. Happy New Year!
1 comment:
Hils, there are some really good points here. Perhaps one of the preaching team could take this as a sermon topic some time with ministry afterwards. I know that Ell Ell Ministries do whole conferences on delieverance from fear. Tim H
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