Monday, 5 November 2012

Wave's Creation Poem

The poem below was written by the children in Wave, as a creation psalm. They were each asked to write a line either praising God for an aspect of creation or stating how it displayed an attribute of God's nature. The following poem came from this each child writing one line which, Alex Scott has ordered to bring together common themes, it has a certain quality to it.

I thank God for the sea and all the fish, sharks, seals dolphins and other creatures swimming.
Thanks for the blob fish, for when I see it float I see your humour.
Thank God for the sea because of the waves.
Thank you God for the sea and the waves crashing on the rocks.
Praise you God for the wonders of the ocean; it’s so full of surprises, so weird, so amazing!
When the sun sets over the sea, when some trees blow in the wind, when I see the amazing sky I think of you.
When I see the snow I think of a beautiful white sheet.
When I see the snow I think of how creative you are.
When I see myself run, I know that you gave us legs to run with.
When I see the cheetah run I think WOW because it can run so fast.
When I see a cheetah it reminds me that you made everything in the world with different talents.
When I see a giraffe’s spots it reminds me of how creative you are.
When I see an elephant, it reminds me of your strength.
I see the lustrous green trees standing high, however you are taller.
The stars light up the night sky and show your beauty, you are the light of the world.
Lightning so amazing reminds me how wonderful you are.
When I hear the thunder rumble, so powerful and so angry it shows me your power.
You made guinea pigs so furry; they squeak their praise to God.
Thank you for making dogs because they are furry.
Thank you Lord for dogs, they are lovely friendly things.
Dogs, I like them because they are friendly and loyal to their owner.
You made me a dog who guards me and protects me.
If you get lost, God will search for you to come back, just like a wolf will hunt to get you for lunch, but God won’t have you for lunch!


hilsr said...

This is fab! I love it! Especially the bit about the blob fish and the dogs and the wolves!

Hazel said...

This shows the amazing spiritual perception our children have - they are not just repeating what their parents and teachers have told them. They have much to teach us!

Hazel said...

This shows the amazing spiritual perception our children have - they are not just repeating what their parents and teachers have told them. They have much to teach us!