Monday, 26 November 2012

Transforming gaze

I have been listening to a song written by Ian White a lot recently and it has meant a lot to me.  Thought I would share it with you all.

Lord, bring your rest, let me sense a true perspective.
Things fit into place, as I gaze at your reflection.
Let me look deep, and stay there long
For the glance may save, but the gaze transforms.
Transform me Lord, transform me Lord.
Lord, bring your word, breathed upon by your own spirit
Let me read with faith, when my mind has reached a limit
let me look deep and stay there long
For the glance may save, but the gaze transforms.

When a butterfly first comes out of its chrysalis, it need to bask in the sun, to dry its wings before setting off on its maiden voyage.  How much more do we need to bask in the son!
At this busy time of year, may we learn to rest in Him.


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