Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Struggling with Deuteronomy 31.1-8

Hi all,

I really struggled with today's passage in Deuteronomy 31:1-8.  The reason being is that we are starting to get into the "let's all drive out all these people and conquer the land" territory and I find it difficult to come to terms with this happening, all these people being killed so the Israelites can get into the land of milk and honey. So my prayer initially was "Lord, this is really difficult for me to get my head round.  Sorry but that's the way it is." This is a big issue, that needs time for me to deal with, and so I decided to park this thought for now and come back to it at another point when I have more time to give to it.

And then I remembered something that Elaine said last week in her sermon - about the old testament being more physical and the NT mirroring it in a spiritual way (yes Elaine we do listen!).  So, in spite of what we feel about the OT, our enemies aren't physical (i.e. people) but other things, i.e. spiritual stuff, strongholds, but can also include fears, anxieties, etc. Although Elaine put it far more eloquently!

And I thought, well.  These Israelites were pretty scared, and they faced threats when they faced the land they were about to conquer and they were bricking themselves!  In a similar way I am contemplating my future, and trying to follow God's promptings which are involving me making some huuuuge life  decisions.  And I am pretty scared too actually! Very scared in fact!  Fears about money, loneliness, things being difficult and discouraging to name a few. And God has promised me loads of stuff but does that stop me feeling afraid? No! And then I read v 6: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them because the Lord your God goes with you, he will never leave you or forsake you". And then he repeats it in v 8. A sure sign that God really wants us to trust Him:  he says it twice!

I have been thinking about this, and I kind of thought, does this mean that we have to get rid of any negative emotions before we step forward in faith?  In a kind of "gung ho" "raaaaah" attitude?  I think that what this passage actually means is that we shouldn't let our fears stop us do what God is calling us to do.  One of my muggle friends lent me a self help book once called "feel the fear and do it anyway".  It was in the context of a new job I was starting.  It was about the fact that if we never get out of our comfort zone we will never grow as people. And I kind of thought that title was pretty good.  If we wait for all our anxious emotions to vanish we will never do anything!  But as we step out in spite of our fears we see God turn up in a spectacular way. And then our fears decrease as we do more.

So I guess we all have threats don't we? What are yours?  As we move forward together let's encourage one another, not by telling each other how we should feel in certain situations, but by encouraging each other to press on in spite of our fears. And praying for one another as we do it. Because "the Lord himself goes before us and He will be with us, and He will never leave us or forsake us".  



Martin Peter Clarke said...
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Martin Peter Clarke said...
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Martin Peter Clarke said...

Excellent Hils. I too am GREATLY exercised by the narrative of a violent God for the first time in 58 years, 43 of thinking about it. I was all for Him and an apologist for Him until just this year. Now I just don't know. Whether that was Him or us.

But I have to leave it at the foot of the cross like every other concern, anxiety, intrusion.

And walk away WITH them of course, as one can never let them go, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit of compassion and healing and sanity and COURAGE, as you rightly remind us, go with me.

I have used Psalms most effectively by substituting myself, my thinking, my feelings for David and his enemies both.

All will be well, therefore all is, Martin

(3rd draft ...)