Sunday, 9 September 2012

Singing Songs of Freedom

Hi chaps,

I was just thinking and reflecting about Exodus this week and thought "What an ungrateful bunch all those Israelites were!" All that complaining in the desert and telling Moses that at least when they were in Egypt they had food in their bellies etc etc.  Anyone else want to throw their Bible across the room when they read that?  I did. Poor Moses. Being the chosen one to bring the Israelites out of Egypt was no easy task was it?

I was thinking about all of this, and felt sad, as I don't think the Israelites really "got it". Moses was taking them on a journey of freedom (which actually took longer than it should have done because of their own bloody mindedness).  It really challenged me as I kind of thought, how often do I grumble and whinge?  And I had some thoughts, which i just thought I would share.

The Israelites were a wounded people. Emotionally, Spiritually and physically.  They were oppressed for many years and of course that is going to wear you down, make you pretty hardened and cynical.  Isn't that the same as us in a way?  Before we came to Christ, we too were being tortured by a spiritual oppressor.  We carry wounds and scars from our past (and often from our present).   Moses said to the Israelites "Do not be afraid.  Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.  The Egyptians you see today you will never see again".  The good news is,  God wants us to be free and free from the wounds of the past.  It is not his intention that we live in any kind of slavery.  Hurrah!  

Of course, sometimes our wounds may be so deep that they take time to heal.  And there may be times when we feel that we are in a wilderness.  But we have a responsibility to pursue that freedom and healing from God for ourselves.  Have we started on that journey towards freedom?  What is the next step in that journey?  Just want to encourage you to make a step.  Chat with your cell leader. Book that Prayer ministry appointment. Do whatever you feel is the right step towards pursuing that healing and freedom.  

I loved the Blessings-ometer in the prayer room.  How encouraging that God is blessing us as a church.  Lets continue in that attitude of gratitude.  I have started practicing the Ignation practice called the Examen before I go to bed.  I ask myself 2 questions:  Today, for what have I been most grateful?  And for what have I been least grateful?  It really strikes me as I look back on my day that the good always far outweighs the bad, although sometimes we do tend to focus on the bad don't we?  I'm not saying we need to dismiss the bad and fail to acknowledge our pain, because God cares about our pain, and it is healthy to mourn and grieve.  However I think it is really important to give heartfelt gratitude to God.  

That Bob Marley song is in my head at the moment.  "Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom, 'cos all I ever have, are redemptiion songs".  What are your redemption songs?


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