Monday, 14 May 2012


I have been thinking increasingly that worship should take priority when we come before the Lord.  All too often we can skip this bit because we have to tell the Lord all about our needs and problems - or those of others, as if He didn't know already!  I read recently:  "Worship and intercession must go together, the one is impossible without the other"  (Oswald Chambers).  I also heard a song with says:
"Down at your feet, O Lord, is the most high place..........
There is no higher calling
No greater honour than to bow
And kneel before your throne..............."
We would think the highest calling would be evangelism, or preaching and teaching, or performing signs and wonders.  But I think the song is right in saying that the highest calling is just to worship the Lord.  And it's there for everybody.

It was wonderful to kneel at the front of the church last Sunday just to feel the touch of the Lord - I could have stayed there for a long time. Our vision is for revival in the city of Leicester and beyond.  It will come if we are prepared to come together just to seek the face of the Lord and then be obedient to what He says to us.  Keep it simple!


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