Monday, 14 May 2012

Driving and walking

Although I often pray as I drive and walk alone, careful not to be taken for the nutter I actually am and occasionally not managing it, as I find it difficult to think a prayer without verbalizing it (although I do manage that at work at my desk, especially with the noonday-ish Lord's Prayers), I find distraction all too easy and often run out of momentum, not that God minds.

But praying with a partner is SO worth it. We managed to take turns for about an hour on Sunday, orbiting the inspiring sewage works, canal and graveyard! Some chalk circle! And I REALLY felt positively ... spooked by, spine tingled by the presence of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit walking with us, engaging with us, listening to us and moving us and answering us in every way. And it WASN'T easy for either of us to start.  As it hadn't been on the previous day.
Can't wait!

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