Monday, 26 March 2012

Who needs hell ?

On March 7th we had Matthew 5:27-29(-30) and today, the 26th, Matthew 18:8-9.

Getting prayerfully closer to Jesus in trying to imagine being in His Jewish audience on the Mount, with their extremely limited afterlife beliefs, I imagined hearing Him say, 'If you don't deny your lusts you might as well throw yourself down there.' indicating the Valley of Hinnom.  Jerusalem City Dump.  Ge-Hinnom.  Gehenna.  Denying our lusts may cramp our style, our view, our reach in this life but will also enable us to live in eternal life.  Now.  To experience purity, peace, recapture redeemed innocence, healing, a quiet life, relationships full of friendship, service, compassion.  Whereas pursuing the objects of our fleshy desire without restraint ALWAYS leads to hell.  To trashing your life and others'.  Now.  Immediately.  Do you know a happy adulterer ?  A happy betrayer ?  Being trapped in sex addiction - 'just' porn let alone serial affairs - is heavenly ?  It's hell.  Better a quiet, one-eyed, one-armed life than seizing a hollow fantasy with both hands and broken hearts and minds and bodies (STDs ? Abortions ? ) and lives.

Who needs hell when you can have heaven ?  Now.  Never mind the afterlife.  That'll take care of itself.

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