Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The right focus

I have been reflecting on Joshua 6 recently and was struck by the fact that as the Israelites marched round the walls of Jericho, they were told not to say anything (verse 10)

Why? So often, I rationalise how or even if God is going to do something. God commanded them not to discuss anything but to focus on Him.

Joshua had been encouraged to "meditate on God's word day and night" (Joshua 1:8). He had already been given the authority from God to conquer the land and the assurance that it WOULD happen (Joshua 1:9,11). Joshua and Caleb chose to believe God's word and as a result, saw and entered the promised land.

I have been really challenged to believe God rather than the circumstances around me, especially in the area of people coming to faith and to silence those voices that tell me otherwise.

There may be some situations in our lives that are "tightly shut up" (Joshua 6:1) but I believe God wants to open them up...and, like old wells that needed to be unblocked, to allow the life giving water to flow again!!


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