Saturday, 2 June 2012

Clothed for battle

In the first days of holiday, if feeling battle weary, it is wonderful to have both the luxury and neccesity of being able to sit quiet for much longer in waiting spirit prayer, then stepping outside and running with it. It never dissapoints and I am so thankful for it.

A few weeks ago in Expressions MSC, for which I am also very thankful for, we prayed around Ephesians 6, an anchor passage for me in many battles over the years as I am sure it has been also for many of you. I know its the focus of the sermon tomorow, sorry if this just repeats things but it has come back clearly again over the last few days, and I believe God said ,you have sat with and felt this for some years, it's time you sent it today. Don't delay.

I tried to shorten it but it's how it came and hope in faith that it is for encouragement and love through Spirit.
Thanks and praise God for the power, strength, and protection of His fit for holy purpose armour. He has gone ahead of us, checked out the battlefield and made sure we are fully equipped for the toughest battles in top gear. He does not send us 'over the top' into a lost cause.

In Christ alone with the constant recharging of His Spirit, our hope and strength is found, so no fear, flight, or folly but that confidence as conquerors.

He knows also we need time to take the weight of armour and battle off, rest, recharge, rejoice find, fun and peace in the victories he has won.

Wise words  from Colossians 3:12. It's not only the tough hard metal armour that sustains spiritual fighters but remembering to put on the softness and warmth of concealed undergarments close to the skin, God's comfort, gentleness, humility, compassion, and most of all love. These look and feel much better than superman or woman's red pants worn on the outside and will last a lot longer.

And if any spare Jubilee holiday time left after getting to the end of this...modern worship is great but sometimes you just have to hand it to the old Saints for the gift of great battle cry songs. I am sure we will sing out, Be Thou My Vision but try.. Guide me O Thy Great Redeemer as an amazing prayer. I am weak, but Thou art mighty.

We ask to be held safe in His powerful loving hand.Amen

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