Sunday, 12 May 2013

Trust and Hope

Over the last few months there has been a lot of doing, family and work wise presenting much challenge  but I hope opportunity for God's word, purpose in action. Not unusual for any Christian you may be  rightly thinking, I know, but it's been intense. 

At these times we can only trust and hope God is working in it, that no work is too hard for Him and in faith and in the doing we will receive. At times it has certainly FELT overwhelming and tempest tossed, it still can, but stronger has been a KNOWING that Jesus knows, understands and will act in it. The hope in the prayer taught us, "Thy will be done on earth as in heaven", the wonder that He himself said He prays for us, obedience in acceptance of  an answer, an outcome I don't yet know.

Just prior to this I felt  drawn to new directions which would have involved more doing,I was mindful of James 1:2-5 "Be no hearer that forgets but a doer that acts", and it bothered me that I knew I just couldn't act right now in more new areas.  

In BREATHE prayer I was reminded of Isaiah 28:12. It's not about do and do, though I think this is also about the worlds kind of doing.  But, this is the resting place for the weary, the place of repose is in Him. So helpful when we forget not just to do but also to listen and trust. This reminder has provided balance, strength. It has not taken the things away but the pressure off a bit.

It helped in understanding that God's work is urgent but its being done in what is before me right now, a big and growing extended family, work, our MSC and it is enough.  When it's time for more or new, He will make clear. So we can, not forget and act.

I love and need to rest in that place of repose and often in this simple powerful prayer... to know however I may be feeling, something of His grace. That is indeed enough whilst waiting to help me be patient and not be moved. It's good to share it so if you pray becomes we.

Come close Lord as I ask to come close to you, so I can, we can trust in his timing, believe in His miracles, rely on His promises, rejoice in His goodness, wait for the answers, relax in his presence. Amen.

Ann W

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