Monday, 16 July 2012

Judges 6:36-40

I'm curious and slightly confused by today's passage, are we to put God to the test as Gideon did with the fleece, not once, but twice? Should we look for signs in this way? Answers please.



Hazel said...

I think as Holy Spirit filled believers we should not need to "lay a fleece" as a general rule, as we learn to listen to His voice. But if we become really confused about something it is OK to do this. But it would be dangerous to do this without testing it with other forms of guidance or checking it out with another Christian we trust.

Anonymous said...

The Lord confirms His word in the mouths of two or three witnesses and I feel this is the safest way to obtain guidance. However, never rule anything out completely.
Tim H

Anonymous said...

Thank you both comments where very helpful