Monday, 9 April 2012

Keep flapping!

Have you heard about the butterfly effect?  In Physics, it describes how tiny changes ininitial conditions (such as the flap of a butterfly's wings) can affect weather thousands of miles away.  Imagine, a fragile butterfly can alter weather patterns on another continent.  What can we learn from this?  You may feel insignificant at may seem like you're just flapping your wings when you are standing alone for truth and honesty in the workplace or at home....Your faith, your words, your deeds, your prayers, your example, your kindness and persistence can release the power of God and activate the forces of heaven to go to work in that situation.

God uses the insignificant, like Moses's rod, ..or David's sling that brought down a giant, or the boy's lunch that fed a multitude.  Your flapping wings can initiate changes that will infleunce lives around you for eternity (Taken from The word for today) time you see a butterfly, remember to flap!!!  (In a healthy way of course!!)


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