John 1:1-14 Have you ever bore the pain of walking into a room and it being as though you were not even there present. It was like people neither recoginsed you or received you. How magnified that must have been and still is today for the maker of the universe. The difference between me and the maker of the universe is that my reaction is to say, 'stuff them', but God's reaction, isn't even a reaction, it's just who he is, to be 'full of grace and truth' to the point of crying out 'Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.' WOW! what amazing grace, the depth of his compassion is beyond me, I'd be calling down curses. How much greater for us then who recognise Jesus and receive his reign and rule into our lives. For us, it says, we will be blessed, with 'one blessing after another'. Oh how great are the benefits of being a 'child of God'. May I sing it out from the rooftops how great it is to recognise and receive the light of life. And as for the truth that the light of life, the maker of the universe wants to take up residence inside of me, I would have been happy to worship him, but greater still is the benefit, the reward, that 'the word who became flesh' wants to live inside of me. Surely today is going to be a good day!
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